
“The Chosen One,” starts things off with a circular riff, moving slowly through the ground and bringing it up and about. A twisting and turning, burning brightly in the firework. “About That,” is heavy and thunderous, taking its time to get truly aggressive and moving with a snarl. “Hey Stranger!” Takes a bite to the face and then weaves itself through the chaos and the mess to produce something truly spectacular. “At The Cost Of Pleasure,” takes things up a notch. Slowing down the riffs and adding several layers of heaviness to them.

“Mr Bugman,” chaos entwined with a fascinating little picking melody that soon allows all sorts of chaos to come out. “Rage, My Alibi,” slows things down and adds in a haunting melody on the vocals, that gradually produces something chilling and spine tingling. “Headache and Crumbs,” a rager that takes no prisoners and simply weaves things through and about. “The Gifted One,” is slow, menacing and haunting.

The album is out on 24th May via Metal Blade Records.