It’s a mixture of rock and roll biker mentality infused with balls to the walls, no frills rock and metal. That’s the best way to describe I Tread On Your Grave, the new album by The Death Wheelers.
Starting with the slow sludge grooving riffs of I Tread On Your Grave, it is evident that Death Wheelers mean business. The song contains some simply brilliant elements, the riffs are interchanged with precision, the tempo changes are well mapped and the vocals are on fire. 13 Discycles is somewhere between a blitz and a marathon. With the spoken word intro and the piercing riffs, the song is one that is sure to get people moving when played live. Roadkill is fast and furious the guitars lead the song here. Sleazy Rider Returns is a mix of the biker riff and the jam of a speakeasy. Deaf Wheelers is slow, filled with sludge and drudgery, a true stoner anthem. Black Crack is a story mixed with riffs, point blank piss taking and other such comedic items that makes this song a catchy number.
Moto Vampiro is a mix of trail blazing rock, with some very catchy melodies thrown in for good size, and a pounding fist pumping excursion. Purple Wings is a dance between sludge and psychedelic jamming. Backstabber works between the talking points, and an electric riff that moves one way, then the next whilst the drums keep the frenetic energy alive. RIP is a furious jammer of a song, mixing all sorts of elements and producing a masterpiece. Moby Dick is a jam, a song that moves between the corners.
The album is out on May 11th via Riding Easy.