‘Bionic Swarm’ by Cryptosis
Musical Feel
Song / Album Composition
“Overture 2149,” starts off proceedings, hauntingly shifting between darkness and light.
“Death Technology,” comes in like a battering ram, smashing down the doors of time. A song that captures the insanity of the world we live in now.
“Transcendence,” rolls through the gutter, punching the lines of darkness in and out, brimming with confidence and time.
“Conjuring the Egoist,” turns in and out. Bringing the whirlwind through and out. It turns in and on the outs it smashes down the doors.
“Mindscape,” is haunting and ethereal. Lowering the guardians of the world through the endosphere.
“Flux Divergence,” rolls hard.
The album is out on 26th March via Century Media.