‘Sinband’ by Coronary


Musical Feel


Song / Album Composition


“Sinbad,” kicks things off for the listener on Coronary’s debut album and it is infectious. A song filled with groove and melody and cascades through the subtle dictions of life and insanity, a brilliant opener.

“Firewings,” hits the road hard, a song that rumbles through the chaos of the world at an unbridled speed.

“Bullet Train,” shimmers through the turnpike, pressing onward with reckless abandon. It roars into the world and demolishes the crowd for all to see.

“Burnout,” wraps its hands around the proverbial throat and lets loose, a cracker of a song that shimmers into the darkness with a head full of light.

“Wonders of the World,” is the big finisher, pressing onward with great abandon and slamming into all who dare defy it.

The album is out on 19th February via Cruz Del Sur Music.