One of Italy’s finest, Circle of Witches bring their new album Natural Born Sinners to the fore with some exceptional artwork. Let’s see what the songs are like:
“Tongue Of Misery,” starts things off. It shreds through and smashes the barriers that might have existed, with a pulsating rhythm and a thumping vocal melody that hooks the listener in from the get go. “The Black House,” has elements of Anthrax about it, with its pulsating rhythms and it sharp and snappy tones and shifts. “Giordano Bruno,” simply epic. A smashing rhythm combined with jagged and emphatic riffs makes things insanely passionate and epic. “The Oracle,” slows things down and adds an extra dimension to things with a historical tinge, ensuring that the listener is hooked and demanding more. “First Born Sinner,” takes things up another level, shredding through and twisting the elements into one chaotic mesh. “Spartacus,” is a galloping tribute to history and a mesh of modern day culture thrown in to the background of heavy riffs, a soaring melody and power.
“Your Predator,” adds a little touch here and there, pounding and shifting with the times, ensuring the listener is hooked and head banging. “Deus Vult,” haunting and choral. “Death To Inquistio,” is an absolute hankering masterpiece, with quick rhythms and a soaring vocal line that makes the listener think and ponder the meaning behind the song. “You Belong To Witches,” a piercing masterpiece. The riffs are fierce some and the vocal melodies lay down quite the brutal masterpiece. “Cult of Baphomet,” ends things with thunderous roars.
The album is out on 21st May via Sliptrick Records.