Lovely Lovelie is a rocker, the perfect start to the album, bringing things nicely to the fore, with driving riffs, and snarling vocals. Another Sort of Homecoming is mixed, a deliverance of space rock with some soaring operatic vocals. Soul Shelter is atmospheric and thoughtful. Movements is slower, more rock and prog than heavy, and the guitars combined with the melodies makes this a fitting stock take.
Come and Follow is a mix of rock and heavy, with the guitars bringing the big builds and the vocals providing a sense of urgency that is sometimes lacking elsewhere in the album. Friends are Falling is a dangling knife on the edge, slower, thoughtful, but with bite and sneer. Fire!Fire! is atmospheric, with sharp trills and dancing beats, making it one hell of a song. Fellow Peacemakers is an epic number from the piano to the vocals and to the all around bombast of the song.
The album is out now.