‘Violent Portraits Of Doomed Escape’ by Black Crown Initiate
James Dorton / Vocals
Andy Thomas / Guitar
Ethan McKenna / Guitar
Nick Shaw / Bass
Musical Feel
Song / Album Composition
Son of War
Trauma Bonds
Years In Frigid Light
Death Comes In Reverse
Sun Of War
Holy Silence
He Is The Path
“Invitation,”slowly brings the listener into this new chapter. The acoustic guitar provides a sweet backdrop whilst the vocals are soft and haunting, there’s definitely a sense of more to come.
“Son of War,” is riff packed and energetic. A song that weaves through the tempest of time, delivering blows and subtle jibes here and there.
“Trauma Bonds,” slowly shifts the dial northwards. A clean intro followed by some jazzy interludes certainly makes for interesting listening. As things get heavier and more groove orientated, the listener is left enraptured.
“Years In Frigid Light,” snarls and bites. A song that is built on a powerful opening riff and which moves into snarling territory is certainly filled with fascinating switches.
“Bellow,” haunting, terrifying and phenomenal. A song that weaves a tapestry out of nothing.
“Death Comes In Reverse,” haunts the stratosphere, shimmering on the backburner and delivering something quite compelling but also terrifying.
“Sun of War,” is eclectic. Subtle melodies, tempestuous variations and a shift into overdrive right when it needs its, show that this is perhaps one of the best songs of the year.
“Holy Silence,” combines psychedelic contraptions with a winding road that shimmers through the tempest of time, before unleashing a storm of chaos.
“He Is The Path,” finishes things in great style.
Be sure to get this album when it is released on 7th August via Century Media.