‘Bestia Immundis’ by Assassin
Ingo Bajonczak / Vocals
Björn “Burn” Sondermann / Drums
Jürgen “Scholli” Scholz / Guitar
Frank “Blackfire” Gosdzik/ Guitars
Joachim Kremer / Bass
Musical Feel
Song / Album Composition
The Swamp Thing
How Much Can I Take?
No More Lies
Not Like You!
The Wall
Hell’s Work Is Done
The Killing Light
Shark Attack
War Song
ASSASSINare back with their new album Bestia Immundis.
“The Swamp Thing,” a song inspired by the legendary comic book character, is straight ahead thrash. A brutal introduction to the world of madness and chaos. A song that brings about some fascinating chaos and brutality first thing.
“How Much Can I Take?” is a snarling beast of a song. It unravels the pre-conceptions that we might have about one another, and turns them on their head. Asking queries about how much a person might be able to take for themselves.
“No More Lies,” slowly builds into the madness. As it grows, it deepens the chaos and the madness around the listener. The rhythms are jagged and the world burns around them, as everything goes down the pot.
“Not Like You,” takes pot shots at pretenders and drives the point home in a snarling beast of a song. A song that goes from zero to a hundred in an instant, a blink of an eye.
“The Wall,” is complete madness. A song that is like a bullet, moving at the speed of light and then some. There is no let up, a song that produces something that insane is deserving of it all.
“Hell’s Work Is Done,” rams home the point. Blistering melodies, and an insatiable appetite for chaos and the end of the world.
“The Killing Light,” slowly fades into being. The acoustic guitars are a nice touch, bringing about some much needed respite before the onslaught inevitably continues as things progress.
“Shark Attack,” hammers the point home. Delivering something quite insane, but also quite catchy at the same time.
“War Song,” is just pure anger and rage mixed together in an unstoppable force.
“Chemtrails,” is an interesting two parter. At once melodic and disconnected and brutally savage. The right way to end this album.
The record is out on 7th February via Massacre Records.