‘Baikal’ by Asian Death Crustacean
Dan Peacock / Guitar
Rob Doull / Guitar
George Bunting / Bass
James Kay / Drums
Musical Feel
Song / Album Composition
Part I
Part II
Part III
Part IV
Part V
Part VI
“Part I,”moves with an interesting gait. Slowly turning the tide and delivering a powerful melody.
“Part II,” brings together some newer additions, a twist in the myth if you like. A song that filters through the everglades.
“Part III,” jangles together, turning the point of time into a world that shimmers and shifts.
“Part IV,” brings the acoustic elements to the foreground, slowly turning the tide and ensuring a feeling of peace and harmony reigns over proceedings.
“Part V,” gets heavier. The distortion on this song really adds some fascinating flavours to proceedings.
“Part VI,” is a discordant finisher.