“Intro,” is terrifying. “Khomaniac,” is a soaring and seering anthem that taunts the world, bringing together the animal and ensuring that the world knows just where the chaos is heading. “Don’t Believe,” brings some fresh new melodies to the fore, turning and twisting, shimmering into the great light. Allowing the vocal powers to shape the shifting tides. “Out Of The Sky,” is a thrashing madness, that gallops on great wings and turns the tide with a great aplomb. “Fear of Tomorrow,” is a rager, storming the barricades and giving all hell. “Deeds of Darkness,” grows on the thunder. Its heaviness shows the world just where the turn and the collection is, something quite impressive in that make up.
“Too Late To Regret,” shimmers on the line, galloping through and twisting the knife. “Deserter,” brings a sonic wave through, twisting the knife and turning the screw, faltering on an edge and then delivering on sharp relief. “Hey Woman,” is big, soaring and plain awesome in a bottle. “Time Has Come,” snaps and bites, turning the shifting worlds into a great strand. “All For You,” becomes a pounding menace.
The album is out on 6th December via Mighty Music.