‘Vultures Die Alone’ by Arion
Musical Feel
Song / Album Composition
“Out Of My Life,” starts things with a whippersnap. A song that really grabs the listener’s attention and ensures they pay attention. A barrel of riffs and furious power.
“Bloodline,” works the listener through. A song that shimmers from one point to the next, slowly eroding the sense of self and bringing something grander to the fore.
“In The Name of Love,” is something else. Contemplative, thoughtful and powerful, it works through the world and delivers something seriously impressive. The vocals are powerful.
“I Love To Be Your Enemy,” lets rip and thunders through the whirlwind of time.
“I Don’t Fear You,” increases the temperature by several notches and unleashes chaos for all to see.
“Until Eternity Ends,” finishes things on a contemplative note.
The album is out on 12th April via AFM Records.