‘Inherent Brutality’ by Annexation


  • Infektorr / Vocals

  • Volcanic Nun Desecrator / Drums

  • Lizard Gonzales aka Uncle Crocodile / Guitar

  • Sickfuck Sanchez / Guitar

  • Rotten Piranha / Bass


Musical Feel


Song / Album Composition



  • A.T.R

  • Beyond Humanity

  • The Beast

  • Holycaust

  • Inherent Brutality

  • Wrecked

  • Global Assassin Grid

  • Colonia Dignidad

  • Craving For Flesh

  • Masscontamination

  • Raped and Impaled

“A.T.R,” is the brand spanking new opener by Annexation. It is filled with fire and wrath, a song that is sure to capture the imagination and get hearts racing.

“Beyond Humanity,” rolls with the punches and smacks down hard.

“The Beast,” moves slowly but with surety, producing something known as the infinite swagger that really gets the blood going.

“Holycaust,” is led by a brutal bass riff that really lets loose.

“Inherent Brutality,” slams down hard and takes command of proceedings.

“Wrecked,” is another song that unleashes complete chaos.

“Global Assassin Grid,” slams down and pushes the boundaries through.

“Colonia Dignidad,” roars through the streams of time and delivers a swarming sensation.

“Craving For Flesh,” gallops through the time vault and pushes things into a new and intriguing direction.

“Masscontamination,” swings high and pushes things through.

“Raped and Impaled,” roars through and finishes on a high.

The album is out on September 25th.