An interview with The Last Element

An interview with The Last Element
What inspired the name of the band? What are your influences?
It came out that way! We were searching for a way to explain the driving factor behind our band, our music has always been very close to our hearts, we write about things that really matter to us, but that we believe also really matter to a lot of people. We were searching for a way to explain what could combine the elements of, hardship, love, trust, friendship and perseverance. That’s when we decided all of these combined could be seen as: The Last Element – When we are together, we are stronger!
We mostly let life influence us, simple as that, a lot of emotions arise from the daily, when I write lyrics it’s always inspired by real life events that I go through, some I’ve been through and some are happening, but mostly I just write what pops up in my head. I need a pen and paper to clear my head, screaming and singing it all out of my head when I record. In the end it’s something we all face and we all have different ways of expressing what we feel. I’m sure a lot of people can relate to the lyrics, cause honestly it’s not about me… it’s about you.
How do you approach songwriting? Are there any themes that you are keen to explore when you start off?
We just let it flow! But from there we really start looking at the song as a whole, what the best fit is for the melody, the vocals etc. It’s a lot of fine tuning! We really want the songs to turn out as good as they can be, sometimes that means rewriting large parts, sometimes it means we just shelve it for a year or longer and get back at it when we have inspiration again. Like I said themes are things that happen to me or around me. There’s no real limit to it, but mostly I visit write about things that I need to give a place.
How do you approach songwriting? Are there any themes that you are keen to explore when you start off?
We just let it flow! But from there we really start looking at the song as a whole, what the best fit is for the melody, the vocals etc. It’s a lot of fine tuning! We really want the songs to turn out as good as they can be, sometimes that means rewriting large parts, sometimes it means we just shelve it for a year or longer and get back at it when we have inspiration again. Like I said themes are things that happen to me or around me. There’s no real limit to it, but mostly I visit write about things that I need to give a place.
Why do you write the sort of music that you do?
Cause we love it! For me personally I grew up with rock, at the age of 6 I loved bands like Nirvana, Marilyn Manson, RATM and a lot more. From that age on I knew I wanted to become a rockstar! Little did I know that wouldn’t be easy. But yeah for each his own, we just believe there are so many layers to rock/metal and it’s amazing to explore them, have room for every emotion we feel and just turn that into great music.
How do you decide what songs to perform live and how do you transpose them into that live setting?
We take the songs that we feel are best live, that have the most energy and raw emotion. We don’t really change much for the live setting, maybe emphasize some parts of the song to make it even heavier. So far we have songs that we didn’t really release but that work out amazingly live but just not on record and honestly we like it that way. Freedom to play what we feel will give the best show.
How do you decide what songs to perform live and how do you transpose them into that live setting?
We take the songs that we feel are best live, that have the most energy and raw emotion. We don’t really change much for the live setting, maybe emphasize some parts of the song to make it even heavier. So far we have songs that we didn’t really release but that work out amazingly live but just not on record and honestly we like it that way. Freedom to play what we feel will give the best show.
What plans do you have for the future?
We got a lot planned! A new single will hit spotify and youtube pretty soon, well soon… let’s say 1,5 months. But then we also have new Artwork, an improved sound, a music video coming out and much more. Furthermore we really worked hard on improving our sound for this next release, spending countless hours mixing and mastering. But it will be worth it. We are sure of that.
Then hopefully we will be playing some new cool shows later this year when the pandemic is less of a ****block !