An interview with Ninth Degree

An interview with Ninth Degree
What inspired the name of the band? What are your influences?
We spent the first 2 months or so brainstorming ideas that fit the vibe we were going for. We then had a list of around 10 of our favourite names and got our friends and family to vote on them. It ended up being a tie between “Fool’s Paradise” and “Nth Degree” and the band voted for “Nth Degree”. Unfortunately, we realised there was a popular song from the 2000s called Nth Degree which would make it hard to google us. So, we went for the next best option “Ninth Degree”. As for influences, we are inspired by a mix of old and new. Most notably: Queen, Green Day, Rush and Franz Ferdinand.
How do you approach songwriting? Are there any themes that you are keen to explore when you start off?
It really depends on the song. We typically like to start by writing the instrumental with some melodies and harmonies. After that, usually we have a good idea of what we want the song to be about from the tone of the instrumental. We do like to keep our songs open ended enough so that people can interpret the song in their own way.
How do you approach songwriting? Are there any themes that you are keen to explore when you start off?
It really depends on the song. We typically like to start by writing the instrumental with some melodies and harmonies. After that, usually we have a good idea of what we want the song to be about from the tone of the instrumental. We do like to keep our songs open ended enough so that people can interpret the song in their own way.
Why do you write the sort of music that you do?
Ultimately, it is because it is fun to play live. We write the songs that we want to hear and play. This has led us to writing songs with catchy guitar riffs and lots of vocal harmonies. The idea is that if we are enjoying ourselves and have a high energy on stage that’ll translate into an exciting show for the audience.
How do you decide what songs to perform live and how do you transpose them into that live setting?
Typically, we trial songs at rehearsal and from playing together for a few years now we just know when a song is working live or not. If it isn’t working we’ll make a recording of it at the rehearsal and give it a listen back and see if we can figure out what’s causing it to not work. For songs we write now though, we do try to write them with live arrangements in mind as we work best when we are drums, bass, 2 electric guitars and keys/acoustic guitar. In all honesty, the biggest thing when it comes to live versions is making sure the energy is there.
How do you decide what songs to perform live and how do you transpose them into that live setting?
Typically, we trial songs at rehearsal and from playing together for a few years now we just know when a song is working live or not. If it isn’t working we’ll make a recording of it at the rehearsal and give it a listen back and see if we can figure out what’s causing it to not work. For songs we write now though, we do try to write them with live arrangements in mind as we work best when we are drums, bass, 2 electric guitars and keys/acoustic guitar. In all honesty, the biggest thing when it comes to live versions is making sure the energy is there.
What plans do you have for the future?
In the long run, we are aiming to bring out our debut album once the pandemic is fully over and we’ve built some more momentum. Then hopefully we will go on a small UK and/or EU tour to promote the album. In the next few months though we are looking to start work on an EP to release over the summer (all COVID dependent at the moment).