The Median Man spoke with Mark Eden earlier this week about all things music.

The Median Man spoke with Mark Eden earlier this week about all things music.
What inspired the name of the band and what are your influences?
It is pretty boring but I went with my real name Mark Eden.
Growing up in Australia I was influenced by The Beatles, The Jackson 5, Johnny Cash, Led Zeppelin,
Cat Stevens, Black Sabbath, Slade and many more. My mum and Dad were huge music fans and my Dad played guitar so there was always music playing around the house.
How do you approach songwriting? Are there any themes that you are keen to explore when you start off?
I don’t really have one main approach. Sometimes I write from just playing around on the acoustic guitar til I find something that I like and other times it could come from a particular sound or a cool beat. I have woken up in the middle of the night with full songs in my head, that has happened again recently and I can hear the whole song. I don’t know the key in which they will be played yet but the song is there….that is strange but kinda cool at the same time.
The themes that I write about are mixed, they range from first person perspective observations and feelings to dreams, love, fear, transformation of the self, philosophy and just plain fantasy.
How do you approach songwriting? Are there any themes that you are keen to explore when you start off?
I don’t really have one main approach. Sometimes I write from just playing around on the acoustic guitar til I find something that I like and other times it could come from a particular sound or a cool beat. I have woken up in the middle of the night with full songs in my head, that has happened again recently and I can hear the whole song. I don’t know the key in which they will be played yet but the song is there….that is strange but kinda cool at the same time.
The themes that I write about are mixed, they range from first person perspective observations and feelings to dreams, love, fear, transformation of the self, philosophy and just plain fantasy.
Why do you write the sort of music that you do?
Good question, I have no idea to be honest. Music for me can be many things but it is also a type of therapy I would say. So I suppose I am working through my ’stuff’ through my music and also sometimes I just want to forget what is happening around me and immerse myself in another world.
How do you decide what songs to perform live and how do you transpose them into that live setting?
I decide mainly on the songs that I want to play live through playing them alone or with the band and seeing what works and what doesn’t. Usually it is just a feeling, if it feels good then I will do it. Having said that some songs feel good to me but don’t really work in a live setting, so then trial and error will come into play. There are some songs that I play live every time as the audience seem to like them so that is also a criteria. I like to introduce songs that I have never played also to keep it interesting for myself and everyone else. Keeping it fresh is necessary.
How do you decide what songs to perform live and how do you transpose them into that live setting?
I decide mainly on the songs that I want to play live through playing them alone or with the band and seeing what works and what doesn’t. Usually it is just a feeling, if it feels good then I will do it. Having said that some songs feel good to me but don’t really work in a live setting, so then trial and error will come into play. There are some songs that I play live every time as the audience seem to like them so that is also a criteria. I like to introduce songs that I have never played also to keep it interesting for myself and everyone else. Keeping it fresh is necessary.
What plans do you have for the future?
My plan for the future is to continue, writing, recording and producing music that I like and making cool videos as well. I would like to stay happy and healthy and move out of the city and grow my own veggies with my wife, that is a plan we are working on at the moment also. A European tour is in the planning but the COVID-19 put a bit of a hole in our plans. It is only postponed not cancelled so that is cool.