An interview with Heedless Elegance

An interview with Heedless Elegance
What inspired the name of the band? What are your influences?
The name of the band Heedless Elegance is kind of an inside joke of us, when we
founded our band with Zsolt we always said when someone asked us how we are
going to accomplish something or how we can get there where we want to be, in
Hungarian language: “ hanyag eleganciával” which means: “ with heedless
– I started my “career” with Green Day when I was a child, their CD was the first I’ve
ever gotten, after that step by step I started to fall into the heavier stuffs, first
Metallica, than my all time favourite band System Of a Down and after all the
metalcore deathcore stuffs. I think I can feel the impact of these bands in my vision
of music, but these days my influences are coming from other genres and arts. For
example mostly these days I’m only listening to the songs of Twenty One Pilots or
Ennio Morricone and some electronic musics like Drum and Bass or Goa.
How do you approach songwriting? Are there any themes that you are keen to explore when you start off?
There are a lot of inspirations everywhere, you just need to recognise and embrace them.
With Dani, Matyi, Albert and Zsolt, we bring half or fully written songs to the band, if it’s
possible we go somewhere far from our home town and start to focus on making them as
much close to a perfect song as much as possible from us. It is a hard procedure but the
shared vision we have helps us to overcome on problems
How do you approach songwriting? Are there any themes that you are keen to explore when you start off?
There are a lot of inspirations everywhere, you just need to recognise and embrace them.
With Dani, Matyi, Albert and Zsolt, we bring half or fully written songs to the band, if it’s
possible we go somewhere far from our home town and start to focus on making them as
much close to a perfect song as much as possible from us. It is a hard procedure but the
shared vision we have helps us to overcome on problems
Why do you write the sort of music that you do?
I think you should make music for yourself and than you can give it as a gift to the world,
and because of that I make music what I want to hear, what I miss when I’m listening to
other artists. With Heedless we make music to satisfy our minds/ears to satisfy our needs. I
think that is the only way to make honest music. Simply we make this music, because this is
what comes from us
How do you decide what songs to perform live and how do you transpose them
into that live setting?
There are a lot of segments what we can focus on when we decide which songs we will
play, depends on how long is the show or where is the gig etc. We are trying to make the
best out of any given situation. Off course we want to focus on the new stuffs, but in the
meantime we are trying to satisfy those people who likes the older songs we have.
How do you decide what songs to perform live and how do you transpose them
into that live setting?
There are a lot of segments what we can focus on when we decide which songs we will
play, depends on how long is the show or where is the gig etc. We are trying to make the
best out of any given situation. Off course we want to focus on the new stuffs, but in the
meantime we are trying to satisfy those people who likes the older songs we have.
What plans do you have for the future?
With our new album “LIBRA” we hope that we will find new opportunities to show
ourselves to the world, I really believe it will happen. Our plans are to play as many
concerts in as many places to as many people as possible in the next years, and we
will continuously work on to make our shows bigger, smellier, more colourful and
more professional. We hope that the belief what we have in our music, and the
attitude we trying to follow will takes us to where we want to be.