The Median Man spoke with Demi The Daredevil about all things music.

The Median Man spoke with Demi The Daredevil about all things music.
What inspired the name of the band and what are your influences?
The original lead singer came up with it! It was between that and the Rootbeer Kamikazis so he chose Demi. Some influences include: Blink, Green Day, Muse, Fall Out boy, Avenged Sevenfold, Beatles and movie scores.
How do you approach songwriting? Are there any themes you are keen to explore when you start off?
I come up with beats as I’m doing things with movement like walking or driving or cooking or talking to my cat, and record those. Then I try to remember my favourite chord progressions and put those two together. From there the song can create itself and I can experiment with things. Coming from someone who doesn’t know melody theory but so far I can make at least somewhat catchy melodies. I want to keep expanding my toolbox of moods but I think there are usually the typical dark disturbed one, the hopeful ones, the fun ones, the soft sweet, the serious and time-pressing ones.
How do you approach songwriting? Are there any themes you are keen to explore when you start off?
I come up with beats as I’m doing things with movement like walking or driving or cooking or talking to my cat, and record those. Then I try to remember my favourite chord progressions and put those two together. From there the song can create itself and I can experiment with things. Coming from someone who doesn’t know melody theory but so far I can make at least somewhat catchy melodies. I want to keep expanding my toolbox of moods but I think there are usually the typical dark disturbed one, the hopeful ones, the fun ones, the soft sweet, the serious and time-pressing ones.
Why do you write the sort of music that you do?
Because I want to define who I am. I want to heal parts of myself. I want there to be a sense of meaning in the internally chaotic experiences I have. The biggest thing Is that it helps us all with loneliness. I feel these desperate need to share these private crazy experiences. Maybe cause they are the type of experiences that we can’t usually share with most people, but through music we can come together and connect about them so we aren’t just alienated.
How do you decide what songs to perform live and how do you transpose them into that live setting?
I think I’ve tried to pick the ones with higher energy. That might change. I usually add an instrumental transition before the opener, and a few transitional instrumentals between songs. I want to start off dark then go light.
How do you decide what songs to perform live and how do you transpose them into that live setting?
I think I’ve tried to pick the ones with higher energy. That might change. I usually add an instrumental transition before the opener, and a few transitional instrumentals between songs. I want to start off dark then go light.
What plans do you have for the future?
Grow the devilin fanbase, play live in select cities, get some songs placed in niche shows, get a shirt in hot topic. TAKE OVER THE ENTIRE WORLD.