An interview with Doyle from Delilah Daybreaks

An interview with Doyle from Delilah Daybreaks
What inspired the name of the band? What are your influences?
The band’s name came from a conversation I had with Mycah. He and I were talking about Slipknot and he asked me if I would still like them if they had the same music but were called “Delilah Daybreakers”. I don’t know why but it really popped out to me when he said that, and I told him that should be the name of the band and we took off the E-R.
As far as our influences I won’t speak for everyone but personally, I love Jawbreaker, Weezer, and Alkaline Trio, The Lawrence Arms, and Nomeansno. I really love most sides of that 80s and 90s punk sound. Descendents, and Minor Threat are also huge to me as well.
How do you approach songwriting? Are there any themes that you are keen to explore when you start off?
I approach songwriting by thinking to myself, “what do I want to hear today” or if I’m writing lyrics, “what am I feeling today”. Mainly because I’ve always seen myself as the hardest person to impress when writing, I’m so incredibly hard on myself like I am an extremely harsh YouTube comment section in my head.
As far as themes go, it really just comes down to whatever it is that I’m feeling at the time, I don’t think I have ever had stuff in mind when I sat down to write.
How do you approach songwriting? Are there any themes that you are keen to explore when you start off?
I approach songwriting by thinking to myself, “what do I want to hear today” or if I’m writing lyrics, “what am I feeling today”. Mainly because I’ve always seen myself as the hardest person to impress when writing, I’m so incredibly hard on myself like I am an extremely harsh YouTube comment section in my head.
As far as themes go, it really just comes down to whatever it is that I’m feeling at the time, I don’t think I have ever had stuff in mind when I sat down to write.
Why do you write the sort of music that you do?
I write what I do because that is the way I have learned to express myself. My emotions come out in riffs, melodies, and power chords, it’s been like that as long as I can remember. I never put a limit on myself as far as what our music can or can’t sound like. I just kinda write and run with whatever it is that I write.
How do you decide what songs to perform live and how do you transpose them into that live setting?
Well we always start our songs as kinda live demos, where we all play the song together and see how that sounds. So we have never really had to transpose any of our songs too dramatically, I mean a lot of the time I’m just running through the song the way I have from the start, because it hasn’t changed too much since then.
How do you decide what songs to perform live and how do you transpose them into that live setting?
Well we always start our songs as kinda live demos, where we all play the song together and see how that sounds. So we have never really had to transpose any of our songs too dramatically, I mean a lot of the time I’m just running through the song the way I have from the start, because it hasn’t changed too much since then.
What plans do you have for the future?
This summer we will be working on a new EP, and in the next few weeks we will be announcing something kinda cool that we have been planning for months. Other than that, we’re just going to try to promote our music however we can and hopefully go back to playing shows as soon as possible.