“No 1,” comes fading in with a haunting leap and gallop, producing some very interesting melodies, the string arrangement is something else to behold. “No 2,” is heavier, with the guitars playing a much more structured and nuanced role in shaping everything. “No 3,” has jazzy tinges to it, added in with some extra bite and pull. The guitars and the other instruments truly add flair to one another. “No 4,” is darkened with strings and edges, building through the port and dancing across the skies. The melodies interweave well with one another. “No 5,” bites and snarls, the instrumentation makes one think of “A Little Piece of Heaven,” thrown in with chaos.
“No 6,” bounces out and around, the acoustic guitars add a nice flair here and there, inviting the listener in for something and delivering with promise. “No 7,” another song that truly encapsulates everything that is good within the metal scene. Haunting melodies, and dark and frantic rhythms. “No 8,” roars into life, bringing absolutely insane rhythms and melodies. “No 9,” swaggers around, edging itself into life with bite and precision. “No 10,” dances on the edge, bringing power and might right to the fore.
The album is out on 6th October.