‘Last Days Of Sodom’ by Aerodyne


Musical Feel


Song / Album Composition


“Angband,” comes in immediately with a rattling hum and the gorging of time. A song that captures the listener’s attention and never lets it go. Ferocious, contorting and twisting. A song that slashes through the strands of time and gets everyone going.

“Razor’s Edge,” twists and strives. Pressing through the melee to become the darkness within. A song that growls and grows with precision at every interpass.

“Innocence Lost,” is a thumping joiner. A song that melds together with the wheel of time to press in within and without. A starting majority for the fields of time and space.

“Endgame,” gets rockier and hints at the edge of time creeping through.

“Last Days of Sodom,” moves like a rattling snake, twisting and barricading its way through hedgegrow, a song that snarls and contorts through the leverage of time.

“Blood In The Water,” slows things down, getting contemplative and thoughtful, weaving a pattern through the crucible of time.

“Children Of The Sun,” is the epic conclusion. A song that snakes through and turns on the edge of the root. A vocal melodical turn that twists and contorts, breaking through the edge of time.

The album is out on 22nd April via ROAR.