On Tuesday, I was lucky enough to sit down with Henry the lead singer to talk about everything.

On Tuesday, I was lucky enough to sit down with Henry the lead singer to talk about everything.
What inspired the name of the band, what are your influences?
When we started out, we found out a major issue, which is that a lot of the names that you can think of are usually taken, and when we did finally settle on Act of Defiance I initially thought it was a homage to Exodus. But as it is, the name’s meaning can be open to interpretation.
As for my influences, well I’m all over the place there. My dad got my into classic rock as a kid, so Steppenwolf, Credence Clearwater Revival, Pink Floyd that sort of thing. Then I discovered Headbangers Ball and I discovered metal. And this was in the days before the internet, so I became a serious tape trader, trading with people in Mexico, South America, Western Europe. I discovered black metal, death metal, the New Wave of British Heavy Metal, that way.
How did you approach recording Old Scars, New Wounds and does that approach differ to Birth and the Burial?
When we recorded Birth and The Burial, we did it in three months, we wrote the songs, got together, played through them, learned them and then recorded them. With Old Scars, we had a lot more time. We were able to do pre-production, which is essentially learning the songs, jamming together, getting comfortable with the songs, editing them if needed. We all contributed to the record, which was different to Birth and The Burial
How did you approach recording Old Scars, New Wounds and does that approach differ to Birth and the Burial?
When we recorded Birth and The Burial, we did it in three months, we wrote the songs, got together, played through them, learned them and then recorded them. With Old Scars, we had a lot more time. We were able to do pre-production, which is essentially learning the songs, jamming together, getting comfortable with the songs, editing them if needed. We all contributed to the record, which was different to Birth and The Burial
With the experience you all have, how do you approach live performances and studio performances?
I think there are two types of players, and they can be quite similar, there are those who are good either in the studio but aren’t good live, or vice versa, and there are those who are good in both. I think because we’ve been playing as musicians for a long time individually, we know what we’re doing and so we know what to do and what not to do. Which is good.
Favourite song and why?
From the first record it would be the title track, Birth and Burial. That song’s really melodic but heavy it also has a great vibe to it. Watching the crowd when we play it live is really interesting as people seem to be getting into it a lot. From the new record, it would have to be either The Talisman or Overexposure.
Favourite song and why?
From the first record it would be the title track, Birth and Burial. That song’s really melodic but heavy it also has a great vibe to it. Watching the crowd when we play it live is really interesting as people seem to be getting into it a lot. From the new record, it would have to be either The Talisman or Overexposure.
Future plans?
We’ll be touring in the new year, and if I have my way we’ll be touring for at least a year and a half hitting the road and playing everywhere we can.
I’d also just like to ask that people continue buying music, showing support to their favourite artists, as that’s the only way bands and musicians can make a living.