Classic heavy metal has seen a revival of late, and with Blackslash’s new record, the revival continues in full swing. Lightning Strikes Again, the title track is fast, anthemic and down right ballsy, allowing the band to show off right from the get-go. Night City Street Lights is bluesy and rocky all in one go, and that enables vocalist Clemens Haas to really shine through, his vocal range is awe inspiring. Skyline Rider is classic seventies metal, bringing harmonies and shimmering rhythms to the fore. A real stand out. Eyes Of A Stranger has a good time feel to it, something solid and break neck about it, guitarists Christian Haas and Daniel Holderle shine through with their jagged riffs. Illuminate the Night echoes of Maiden and Priest, the best of both bands. And a greater tribute there can’t be.
Steel Held High is a good nod to the classic trope of the metal warrior, and with the harmonies in the guitars, the story telling vocal line, the galloping rhythms, this song is one that is sure to get the crowd going when played live. Save My Heart builds with the staccato opening riff and moves into epic territory fairly quickly, the band really pulled out all the stops on this one. Shine On is fast, moving through the rhythms, shaking and grooving, vocalist Clemens Haas to shine through. Unknown Heroes is an epic journey through stories told and untold. Right to the Top is a groover, solid and unabashed, a fitting close to the album.
Lightning Strikes Again is a fantastic album moving from point to another seamlessly. Be sure to purchase it when it is released on May 4th, on Pure Steel Records.