‘Concrete Realms Of Pain’ by Caskets Open


  • Timo Ketola / Vocals and Bass

  • Pyry Ojala / Drums

  • Antti Ronkainen / Guitar


Musical Feel


Song / Album Composition



  • Four Shrines

  • Riding On A Rotting Horse

  • Homecoming

  • Tunnel Guard

  • White Animal

  • Tadens Tolthe

  • Blossom

  • Soul Stained Glass

  • Pale Hunter

“Four Shrines,” slowly weaves its way into being. Taking a daunting presence and turning it into a terrifying one. What a way to begin an album.

“Riding On A Rotten Horse,” barrels into being and takes down everything within its path.

“Homecoming,” takes a drink from the cup of death and delivers the perfect blend of doom metal and snarling viciousness usually associated with thrash.

“Tunnel Guard,” contains one of the best riffs in metal yet. A slow moving beat that changes and chugs along before unleashing complete chaos.

“White Animal,” presses the advantage and romps home with energy and power.

“Tadens Tolthe,” snarls through. Delivering another hit and smashing the listener in the face.

“Blossom,” slowly weaves itself into being. And when it gets to the right point it delivers chaos.

“Soul Stained Glass,” roars through, powering itself into the engine of darkness.

“Pale Hunter,” is an epic closer.

The album is out on 20th March via Nine Records.