‘Weltenwandel’ by Heathen Foray


  • Robert Schroll / Vocals

  • Jurgen Bruder / Guitar

  • Alexander Wildinger / Guitar

  • Max Wildinger / Bass

  • Markus Kugerl / Drums


Musical Feel


Song / Album Composition



  • Schicksalsknecht

  • Essenz

  • Tanz

  • Verfall

  • Weg

  • Monolith

  • Soldat

  • Schlangengrube

“Schicksalsknecht,”is despondent and terrifying in parts. It moves with energy and slowly grows on the listener.

“Essenz,” moves with the flow and delivers some fascinating twists and turns, bringing with it an interesting dip and dive.

“Tanz,” moves ever so regimentally, pursuing a pathway that might otherwise have been considered best left alone.

“Verfall,” is melodical and cognizant of the twisting pathway it is about to embark on.

“Weg,” is atmospheric, it moves with energy and passion, taking a turn around the sun before returning for something a little bit more adventurous.

“Monolith,” works through the melancholy to produce a little twist in the myth.

“Soldat,” is a solid riff machine that works through the world and turns it up to eleven.

“Schalengrube,” is epic, and moves with the times to produce a final flourish.

The album is out on 21st February via Massacre Records.