A great name for a band, Deez Nuts, is it a play on the internet meme? Who knows, but the music certainly stands out.
“Singalong,” is a roarer. The riffs are just to die for, twisting through the strands, shimmying into and around the place, and bringing the attention to the vocals when it kicks in. “You Got Me Fucked Up,” dangles around, twisting the strands and then working its way through the boundaries. “Crooked Smile,” takes a turn here and there stranding through the bullshit. “You Gotta Feel Me,” rocks out, turning the screws and twisting the knife ever so slightly. “On Some Shit,” rocks the house down, brimming with confidence and exploding with energy.
“DTDFL4EVAA,” is pretty gangster, twisting through on the back of some grooving melodies and a twisting rope through which to bring the prism light through. “Fools Gold,” pounds the ground in and around, turning the shift likely through the ground and then turning the world into the whirlwind. “Axe to Grind,” takes a heavy juicy riff and makes it the basis for a seriously groovy song, banging out one of the best songs on this record. “Get a Grip,” another rampaging song that fits through the twisting vines of the world. “Bitterest End,” looks through the world, encroaching on the space of the twisted kind and then delivers a smack into the face of reality.
This is a smashing album, which I advise you all to get when it’s released on 18th October.