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“Warchestra,” starts things off with a haunting echo playing. It slowly moves into tyrannical destruction of the senses, shifting one way and then another. Snarling before the dawn. “Of Ruination,” kicks things into another gear, shredding through and snarling away. The guitars sound slick and proportional, the melodies flit in and out before the listener has a chance to catch their breath. “Amidst The Ivory Towers,” jangles this way and that, slowly growing with every passing moment, snarling away and biting at the complacency of the world. “Saeculum,” is another song that just brutalises everything within sight. “Conjure The Storm,” simply epic.

“It Dies In Vain,” comes straight out dodge with absolute quality thrash. “Kismet,” snakes a way, galloping with great pains and agony. “Take Your Leave,” snarls and bites, with added bite and an edge that makes it one of the heaviest songs on this absolute monster of a record. “I Am The Sun,” twists this way and that, slowly enveloping the listener in chaos and the theory of the end. “Prophet For Profit,” reflects the darkening turns and the twisting alleyways.

The album is out on 7th June via M-Theory.