“Deadly Poison and Black Fire,” is a snarling abomination, that comes in with fear and power. It grabs hold of the listener’s throat and does not let go. “Umbravorous,” the title track is a furious metal overload. “The Dwell,” comes out of the gate with a solid one-two bite. “Formidable Destino,” snarks and shifts within and without. “Military Industrial Complex,” shift and turn and bring about the wind and rain of hell.
“Somanbulus,” gallops and pours down with rain and anger. “THE EXCEMENTS OF INFINITY ARE THE VICES OF DIVINITY.” Takes one turn and then another before raging through the storms. “VIRTUAL ANTROPOPHAGY,” snarls and bites with aggression and rage. “Merchant of Spirit,” is a galloping and snarling descent into the bowels of hell. “DMT,” snakes and shifts biting the shit out of everything.
The album is out now via Pulverised Records.