“Warrior Of Time,” slowly fades into being, and then it lets loose bringing about something truly magical, with a ferocious riff and some seriously interesting melodical work. “Burn The Night,” comes in with a frenzy, it directs its attention toward the chaos of the riff. “In The Dark,” starts off with an acoustic melody that sets the tone quite nicely, it then slowly shifts up a gear, bringing in the epic vocal lines that set everything alight. “Livin Fast,” classic metal riffage, and a real eighties feel to this song.
“The Hunter,” screams into life, literally. The vocal range on this song is something downright impressive. “Steel Rider,” fast and furious, leading the charge and delivering a smack in the face to all who listen. “329,” shifting and tensing with energy and power, growing. “Halloween,” a terrifying movement into the dark and ferocious rock and roll.
The album is out on 17th May via No Remorse Records.