“Débris and Rubble,” is fast moving and shifting, changing with the wind and the season, working through things and never quite letting up. “Where Did We Go,” is classic rock and roll with the added no frills policy. “Waited All My Life,” is a nice little jaunt, bringing with it some added grooves. “Dreams,” swings and drops the punches. “Higher,” grooves and shakes with energy. “Tell Me Your Tale,” is slower and more classic bluesy rock.
“Long Ride,” continues down this pathway, shifting and shaping with an edge that isn’t quite there, but with some serious groove. “I Spend My Money Wrong,” is every student’s lament. Set to the backing of some seriously grooving riffs. “Hey There Mama,” a biting, drum heavy fest, groovy! “Please Don’t Leave,” shifts and turns with the vocal melodies bringing some nice little bite. “Whispering Things,” a fitting finale.
The album is out on 5th April via The Sign Records.