‘A Quest For Life,’ by Sirius


Musical Feel


Song / Album Composition


“Unbound The Scream,” is a furious, heart-thumping song. One that creeps into being and shifts the strands of time one way and then the next, turning the dial up several notches, to create something spellbinding.

“Desdichado,” haunts the creeping lines of time. A soaring and anthemic presence within and without.

“Fragment,” shivers and storms the barricades, haunting the lines of time and space to bring the goods forward within the inch.

“Land Of Swords,” shimmers to the beating heart of chaos, a song that ruminates and contemplates chaos.

“Among the Heavens,” is epic, powerful and grooving. A song that never settles and always drives the day.

The album is out on 26th July.