‘Serpent’s Kiss,’ by CobraKill


Musical Feel


Song / Album Composition


“Above The Law,” smacks down hard, pressing through the tide of time. Breathing life into a frenetic energy pace. Slashing the tide of time. Setting the scene downright.

“Concrete Jungle,” hovers around the periphery, taunting the cobra and bringing the lines of time forward. A song that shivers into the burning light.

“Monstrous,” hammers the heavy blow, battering down the doors.

“Torture Me,” brings the cascading light down. A song that tramples through the battering ram.

“Seventeen,” echoes through the tumult of time.

“Ride My Rocket,” hits the tide, a song that travels through the great beyond, hinting at the tide.

“Velvet Snakeskin,” rocks the house down, battering the cascading shrill of time.

The album is out on 19th January via Frontiers Music.