“Blossom & Plague,” by Timechild


Musical Feel


Song / Album Composition


“The Dying Tide Trilogy,” is. trip. it takes the listener through so many emotions and contortments. Brimming with energy and intriguing, developing a soulful enchantment to bring the burrowing whirlwind to life.

“Call Of The Petrichor,” hits the hammers from the offset. Turning the whirlwinds and bringing the energy forward, cascading into something intriguing and devout.

“Hands Of Time,” runs the gamut, sitting toward the growing chaos of the human mind.

“Buried In Autumn,” turns the fire through, a song that galvanizes the energy.

“Only The Shadow Remain,” hits a dar through the cascading sun. A song that delivers the heart.

The album is out on 1st September via Mighty Music.