‘Mirror In The Darkness,’ by Medevil
Musical Feel
Song / Album Composition
“Dead Before Birth,” hits hard, a song that weaves through the contraptions of time and cascades into something more than being. A powerful turn of the screw.
“Pray For Me,” turns on the southward bend, and hits the tilt. A song that cascades onward and upward, tilting toward magical territory.
“Smoke and Mirrors,” hits the hilt, song that gradually turns forward and hits the elements within and without.
“Weight Of The Crown,” hits hard, a song that never lets up. Eerie in the beginning and furious in the middle and throughout.
“Mirror In The Darkness,” batters the contemptment of time, a song that never lets go and always produces more twists.
“Veiled,” haunts the edges of time.
“No Peace In Rest,” hits the hammers hard, never slowing and gradually crescdoing into something powerful and chaotic.
The album is out on 7th April.