‘Rockin Hell and She’s On Her Period’ by Overdrivers
Musical Feel
Song / Album Composition
“Rockin Hell,” gets the goat, a hard rocker that immediately captures the attention.
“She Hides A Big Packet,” takes a turn through the forest.
“Hot Driver,” shimmers through the edge of time and brings the concord.
“Big Mary,” hits the edge.
“Girls Gone Wild,” shimmers through the forest of time.
“The Best Blowjob In History,” takes the groove and runs with it.
“Show Your Boobies,” turns the tide and swaggers.
“She’s On Her Period,” gets the goat and runs through.
“King Arthur,” turns through and rummages into the goat.
“Get Out With Your Bigfoot,” shuffles and shifts.
The album is out on 9th December via ROAR.