‘One More River To Cross’ by The Ferrymen
Musical Feel
Song / Album Composition
“One Word,” starts off with some subtle variations, the piano works a frenzy, driving the delivery into something more pressing than elsewise. The whirlwind works through and brings about something deeply intriguing.
“Shut It Out,” creeps along, the melodies harkening toward the grooving of the tempest.
“One More River To Cross,” is emphatic. A song that combines the best of the best. Delivering a sledgehammer to the melodies and increasing the bombasity for a full hilt.
“Hunt Me To The End Of The World,” dives into the stratosphere, and brings about a new reliance. A song that fills the void for all.
“The Other Side,” slowly works through the melodies, diving into the frenetic action of time and space. Pushing the mind into a creeping sense of foreboding.
“The Passenger,” slams down hard, finishing the album off into the world of time.
The album is out on 21st January via Frontiers Music.