‘Arsonist Of The Soul’ by Burning Point


Musical Feel


Song / Album Composition


“Blast In The Past,” immediately grabs the listener, shaking them to their very core. Hitting the strands and turning the tide as the winds of change seek to break through the barriers of time.

“Out Of Control,” is a straight ahead riffer. A song that weaves together a tale that is so complex and at the same time simple that it hooks the listener from the get go.

“Arsonist Of The Soul,” the title track is infectious. A song that shimmers through, slithering into the whirlwind of time and space. Hitting the directives of time and space.

“Running In The Darkness,” gallops along the pathway, seeking to be found and yet to hide in the mirror of time.

“Off The Radar,” slams down hard. Turning the grouping inside and out. A song that breathes and dines on the whirlwind.

“Will I Rise With The Sun,” turns and twists. A snake eye of a song.

“Eternal Life,” finishes things off in grand style.

The album is out on 22nd October via AFM Records.