‘Timegate Anathema’ by Eternal Silence
Musical Feel
Song / Album Composition
“The Way Of Time,” starts things off like a battering ram, slamming into the whirlwind and unleashing chaos for all to see. A song that captivate and invigorates.
“Ancient Spirit,” shifts on the turn, slowly menacing the platitudes of time, as the world takes note and hints at chaos.
“Lonely,” strums through the chaotic urge of time. A song that sways and swirls with the whirlwind. A song that really hits at the right notes.
“Rain,” powers into the modern psychosis, with aplomb. A song that hits out at the darkening scales of time.
“Firefly,” rummages and shimmers. Shifting the temperant winds of the whirlwind.
The album is out on 8th October.