‘Endless Halls of Golden Totem’ by Blazon Rite


Musical Feel


Song / Album Composition


“Legends Of Time and Eidolon,” hits the ground running, a song that gallops and turns, brimming with confidence and extravagance, it shifts through the whirlwind of time.

“The Executioner’s Woe,” hits a chord. Striking hard and fast, burning with passion and desire, it soars and snaps. The vocals turn and capture the imagination.

“Alchemist’s Brute,” turns and twists. Shimmering on the pathway toward darkness and a subtle kind of greatness.

“Consumed by Glory Light,” runs through and turns the darkness up several notches. A song to capture the imagination.

“Into Shores of Blood,” is the epic finale. Turning and twisting through the songbook it captures the imagination and enchants the world.

The album is out on 28th May.