‘A New Day’ by Arachnes
Musical Feel
Song / Album Composition
“I Know The Darkness,” twists the pillars of time, and break through the whirlwind, pushing forward to a new drive and time. The riffs are something else entirely.
“I’m Sorry,” hits the hammer hard on the precipous, driving the day and delivering a crucial one-two.
“Magic World,” shimmers through, burning with passion and energy. The melodies are addictive and the sense of timing is perfect.
“Running In An Old Town,” slows things down ever so slightly, bringing the contemplative element of the listener out. A song that moves from one edge to another.
“Parallel Worlds,” works through a timescope, building up anticipation for what’s to come.
“Your Death,” is an absolute rager of a song. Hitting hard on the riffs, and burnishing credentials, twisting through the whirlpool of time.
“First of All,” slows things down and gets incredibly contemplative.
The album is out on 7th May.