True Face of War begins proceedings with a haunting piano intro, which creates the sense that something massive is about to appear. When the guitars come shredding in, that sense of anticipation is only heightened. The vocals come in and the song comes to the guttural conclusion, mixing the horrors of war, with the chaos and fear of those who go through it into something masterful. The Deluge swings and saunters, bringing bold riffs, dancing melodies, and pure darkness. The Future Is Lost begins calmly before moving into something completely knew and uncertain, raucous and destructive. Conspiracy dances around, smooth as a snake, bringing some sultry grooves alongside it.
Withdrawn From Life is slower, more melodic and thoughtful, whilst retaining a huge oomph factor in the guitars and the vocals. Eternal dances around, snaking, taunting the listener with its slicked back grooves and its enticing vocal melody. Evanescent is an interesting dance, the acoustic guitars provide some refreshment, as they create the sense that you are entering into some sort of medieval fair. Ever Since That Day continues logically from Evanescent, mixing and moulding itself together with harmony, melody and some interesting vocal quirks.
The album is out on 10th August via Inverse Records.
Nice review!
For information:
The name of the band is IMPERIAL DOMAIN and not Imperial Doom…