‘The Number of Destiny’ by Embrace of Souls
Musical Feel
Song / Album Composition
“New Hope,” is a sonic masterpiece. Pushing through the bounds of time it smashes down the doors and delivers something that can only be called a great collective gasp of power and pressure. A phenomenal opener.
“In The Castle,” swans through, delivering some intriguing melodies and intricate sensibilities. It turns the world upside down and presses through the portals of time and space. Whirring through the complexities of time, it shines outward.
“My Dreams,” rocks the chord down. Pressing in on all sides, smashing the doors and creating a frenzy wherever it goes. A song that truly captures the spirit of the times.
“We’ll Meet Again,” saunters through the time loop, slashing the whirlpool and delivering complexities for everyone to see and embrace.
“The Number of Destiny,” hits the paen hard and fast. Smashing all that comes through and littering the ground with tempests.
“Il Numero Mistico,” finishes things off with a grand flourish.