‘Our Night Out’ by Buster Shuffle


Musical Feel


Song / Album Composition


“Our Night Out,” goes for the swagger and the groove, pressing in on all sides, delivering some seriously sarcastic flips. “Me, Myself and I,” gets the listener going, a bit of a twinge here, and a bit of turn there. “At The Bank,” hits the new notes hard, shimmering through the turnaround. “I’ll Get My Coat,” shimmers around the world, brimming with energy.

“The Thirty Eight,” lands the ground and turns it into dust. “You’re Alright,” takes the old order and gives it a real kick to the curb. “Don’t Sign Up Today,” brims and breeds, smiling and winking with a turnstile of ferocity. “In The Name of What,” runs the gamut.

The album is out on 18th December.