‘Myrtle Wreath/ Myrtenkranz’ by Grendel’s Syster


  • Caro / Vocals

  • Tobi / Guitar

  • Till / Drums


Musical Feel


Song / Album Composition



  • Agnicayana

  • Vishnu’s Third Stride

  • Little Wilding Bird

  • Entopic Petroglyphs

  • Winnowing The Chaff

  • Count and Nun

  • Indra’s Jewelled Nut

  • Cairns

  • Agnicayana

  • Vishnus Dritter Schritt

  • Wildvögelein

  • Entoptische Petroglyphen

  • Worfelschwung

  • Graf Und Nonne

  • Indras Juwelennetz

  • Steinmännlein

“Agnicayana,”kicks things off with a terrifying spoken word intro.

“Vishnu’s Third Stride,” comes in with a galloping rhythm, one that twists and turns, bringing with it an interesting composite. The melodies weave around one another and deliver a fitting push.

“Little Wilding Bird,” shifts the tenor slightly. A song that hammers you in with its riffs, whilst also leaving space for a slight change of perception in the way the melody stops and starts.

“Entopic Petroglyphs,” swishes through the twisting knife, galloping toward the pathway of time, with nice flourishes thrown together.

“Winnowing The Chaff,” shifts and turns. Distortion and clean tones do battle, whilst the main melody comes in with a flourish.

“Count and Nun,” brings together a different sort of melody. A twisting galloping riff, and a vocal line that cleans through the pathway to drive the day.

“Indra’s Jewelled Net,” is filled with galloping rhythms, a soaring melody and a sense of innate purpose as the story unfolds.

“Cairns,” haunts the playing field, shifting through and turning the hairs on the back of the listener’s arms up. A fitting finale.

As a bonus treat you also get the German version of the songs that are on this E.P.

Be sure to get it when the record comes out on 25th September.